Dollar Australia Sedikit Naik menjelang Westpac Consumer Confidence Change

Sydney, Australia - February 21, 2013: Sydney Opera House at night from Harbour bridge. It is one of the 20th century's most distinctive buildings and one of the most famous performing arts centres in the world.

Data (Westpac Consumer Confidence Change) Australia akan diumumkan pada pukul 6:30 di hari Rabu.

Data Westpac Consumer Confidence Change diperkirakan di -1.6 VS -1.3 (Sebelumnya).

Menjelang data, Dollar Australia Sedikit Naik terhadap US Dollar.

Dollar Australia berada di harga 84.11 terhadap Yen Jepang, 0.7271 terhadap Greenback, 1.8021 terhadap Pound Sterling dan 1.0681 terhadap Dolar New Zealand pada pukul 06:06 WIB.