Dollar Australia Sedikit Naik menjelang Ai Group Services Index

Stunning wide angle aerial drone view of the Sydney Harbour with the Opera House, a cruise ship and many skyscrapers in the background. Taken near the suburb of Kirribilli. New South Wales, Australia.

Index (Ai Group Services Index) Australia akan diumumkan pada pukul 4:30 di hari Jumat.

Index Ai Group Services Index diperkirakan di 52 VS 45.7 (Sebelumnya).

Menjelang data, Dollar Australia Sedikit Naik terhadap US Dollar.

Dollar Australia berada di harga 84.21 terhadap Yen Jepang, 0.7401 terhadap Greenback, 1.8231 terhadap Pound Sterling dan 1.0421 terhadap Dolar New Zealand pada pukul 04:06 WIB.